
احتضان القنوات المتوافقة مع المعايير عالميًا قبل الفوائد القابلة للتطوير. نشر نتائج متفوقة بسرعة أثناء التطبيقات التي تدعم الويب. محرك بسرعة محفزات النقرات وقذائف الهاون للتغيير قبل البنى العمودية.

أطباء CT
شرح السفر

مهتم في وجهة معينة؟
تحقق من أدلة وجهاتنا بمعلومات مفصلة: من مناطق الجذب السياحي والمطاعم والفنادق إلى أفضل مقدمي الرعاية الصحية والأطباء.

نتائج طبية عظيمة

Client Satisfaction
Intervention Success
Client Referral

Step 1

Free consultation with our technicians

Using the contact form on the website, you can send us a detailed enquiry about your needs. One of our dentists will examine your request and we will make a suggestion about the necessary interventions and inform you about the estimated cost of the treatment. The final treatment plan will be made only after our doctors examine the problem in person at our premises.


Step 2

Electronic contract

Following the free consultation about your medical needs, we determine what other services you might find of use (booking accommodation, scheduling sightseeing tours and other activities etc). Once we have it finalized, we will send you an electronic contract with a detailed list of services we agreed on. This is not a necessary step, but it is available for your peace of mind.


Step 3

Arrival to DentiCare

Most people will want to come by plane to Istanbul. Our staff will be waiting for you to transfer you from the airport to your accommodation. On your first day, you will perform the final check with a doctor before commencing treatment. After we settle on the appropriate treatment, you will receive a schedule of appointments. You will also receive offers on how to fill your free time.


Step 4


A guide will show you around Istanbul, free of charge, if you please. For an additional fee, we will do our best to fulfill any reasonable requirement you might have, or you can choose from a list of typical excursions on offer. For some medical procedures you will have a lot of free time between appointments. For others not so much. We will provide you with custom-made offers for you to consider.


Step 5

Follow up check

Your assigned doctor might want you to stay an extra day or two if they deem it necessary to ensure quality service, which would be announced in advance. In case there is no need for additional checks, you will be transferred back to the airport or remain free to explore Istanbul. Our service is warranted.

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تنهي إقامتك ،
اختبر المجر


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ماذا ترى


العشاء والنبيذ


اذهب من حول

تجربة عطلة الأسنان!


نحن فريق ودود من المتخصصين الطبيين نعمل معًا لضمان حصولك على أفضل علاج تحتاجه.

الشبكات الاجتماعية

قم بزيارة CT Mediks على هذه الروابط الاجتماعية.

حقوق الطبع والنشر 2023 بواسطة CT Mediks. كل الحقوق محفوظة.


حقوق الطبع والنشر 2023 بواسطة CT Mediks. كل الحقوق محفوظة.