You will achieve significant weight loss after this surgery. The reason behind this weight loss is the permanent removal of a large portion of your stomach which leads to reducing the amount of food your stomach can have. You will not be able to eat as much as you could before the surgery and you’ll feel full sooner.
You will achieve significant weight loss after this surgery. The reason behind this weight loss is the permanent removal of a large portion of your stomach which leads to reducing the amount of food your stomach can have. You will not be able to eat as much as you could before the surgery and you’ll feel full sooner.
This surgical procedure helps you lose weight by reducing the amount of food you are eating through creating a small pouch at the upper part of your stomach using surgical staples. This pouch will be connected to your small intestine directly. By doing this, the food that you eat will not pass to the lower large part of your stomach and as a result, you will feel that your stomach is full even though you ate a small amount.
This is non-surgical cosmetic procedure for temporary results. Here the doctors will place a soft balloon filled with gas or salt water into your stomach through a thin tube passing through your throat. By entering this balloon, you will eat much less food and you will lose weight eventually. This balloon is left inside your stomach for 6 months max before the doctors extract it and place a new one instead.
Another non-surgical cosmetic procedure to lose weight through reducing the amount of the food you eat. During this procedure, our experienced doctors will inject the Botox into the wall of your stomach from the inside using a laparoscope. This will lead to reducing the contraction of stomach muscles and consequently, you will not feel hungry as quick as before the procedure and you will feel full faster too.
Because the entire gastrointestinal tract is capable of absorbing vitamins and trace elements in their natural forms, the integration of a gastric band is a minimally invasive surgical treatment that does not induce vitamin deficiency symptoms. In Turkey, the implantation of a gastric band is especially beneficial for those who are overweight and have a BMI of 35 or above.
Gastric balloons are silicone balloons that have liquid or air inside of them. Through gastroscopy, it is placed into the stomach. Because of its size, eating food causes fullness to set in more quickly. A gastric balloon is removed after six months at the latest and is only successful when dietary and lifestyle modifications are made simultaneously.
When the body mass index (BMI) exceeds 35, gastric bypass surgery is a possibility. In obese people, a sizable portion of the small intestine and stomach are bypassed and discarded. Patients get a feeling of fullness even after consuming relatively modest amounts of food because of the small stomach residual.
Weight-loss surgery is also known as Bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery is provided for people who have struggled with their weight and have not been successful through diet and exercise.
No. A small percentage of patients will regain a substantial portion of the weight that is lost. Weight gain happens when the patient does not follow the dietary guidelines in the months and years following the procedure.
Weight loss surgery has been shown to improve several health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, etc.
75-80% of patients achieve success over the long term after undergoing a gastric restrictive surgical procedure.
Yes. Following any bariatric surgery, we recommend that you take a daily multivitamin supplement containing the minerals necessary for good health. These should be taken for life.
After losing most of the excess weight, most patients may have some loose or sagging skin. For many patients, this might be just temporary. The degree of loose or sagging skin depends upon several things, including how much weight you lose, your age, your genetics, and whether or not you exercise or smoke. Generally, many patients can hide loose skin through clothing or compression garments. We generally recommend waiting for at least 18 months before having plastic surgery.